Our mission is to inspire the community to connect with and care for our coastal environment. By making a tax-deductible donation today, you’re supporting our animal care, education programs, and critical costs to ensure we can continue this mission for years to come.
Leave a Legacy
Want to make a lasting impact? Consider including the Living Coast Discovery Center in your estate plans. Your legacy can help protect wildlife and preserve the coastal environment for years. Learn more about planned giving here.
There are a number of ways to support our mission:
- Give a cash donation
- Become a member
- Volunteer
- Give appreciated securities/stock
- Include us in your estate plans
Does your company offer an employee charitable match?
Your gift could be doubled – ask us how!
Here are some of the exciting programs and projects that need your support:
Environmental education for K-12 students:
- Living Lab Field Trips
- Our Wild San Diego Outreach
- Wildlife Day Camps
- Provide the items needed for the specialized care of the animal ambassadors at the Living Coast.
Please make gifts by check payable to:
Living Coast Discovery Center
1000 Gunpowder Point Drive
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Tax ID: 33-0750177
The Living Coast Discovery Center is a 501(c)(3) organization that inspires the community to connect with and care for our coastal environment. Your donation is tax-deductible as permissible by law.